Straight out of college I was working at a law firm full time and training part time at a bigger "box gym" and HATED IT! I dreaded going to the law firm because, well, I went to school for FITNESS and did not enjoy sitting behind a desk for the same-thing-different-day of the job.
The gym where I was working did not have a lot of opportunity for personal training or group fitness, which left me walking around cleaning equipment most of the time.
A new personal training studio was opening so I went for it. It was strictly a personal training studio and that is what I was doing full time. I loved the interaction with my clients and seeing them make progress. Knowing I was helping someone make a change to become a happier and healthier version of themselves was truly rewarding.
One October Saturday morning in 2010, my boss left me a voicemail saying the gym was closing as of that day. It was not good timing as IÂ was suddenly unemployed and Chris and I were getting married in December and had just bought a house!
As work leaked out about the studio closing, I received an exorbitant amount of phone calls from clients asking what happened, where was I going, what were they going to do, and the list went on!
Lucky for me, my client base was not just strong but filled with a banker, a few small business owners, a pastor of a church, and several other business savvy people - they were encouraging me to start my own place and they would come along for the ride with all the bumps, bruises, hiccups, etc. With their help and the support of my family and friends I took the leap!
For the first 9 months a client opened her home and let me train people in her basement until I found a spot. I moved out of the basement to our current location and the rest is history! Looking back, I am so happy things worked out the way they did. Of course in the moment I couldn't see past the "Oh goodness what am I going to do, how could this happen to me?!" thoughts but everything worked out the way it should - I just had to have a little faith and the right people on my side!
I have met a ton of wonderful people who have become more like friends than clients and the flexibility of owning my own business allows me to still spend time with my family!